I just ran 30km!

I just ran 30km!

Hadn’t planned to run that far… but I did!

And from my current non-existent running base it was a pretty gutsy effort I must say 😊 💪

I wanted to share how it unfolded because I learnt so much and was reminded of a lot of things I ‘knew’ but could do with the reminder of. And for anyone with a marathon or big run coming up, maybe this will help. It’s a big one so sit back 🍿…

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The Secret to Life and to Running? Here's one answer worth considering...

The Secret to Life and to Running? Here's one answer worth considering...

After her Marathon win at the Birmingham Commonwealth Games recently Jess Trengove spoke of how she ‘gets the most out of herself when she’s thinking one k at a time’.

Lindsay Flanagan said something similar after her win at the Gold Coast Marathon (in a new course record of 2:24!) - her main goal was to ‘stay present the whole race and take it one mile at a time’ - something she says to have struggled with in the past.

There’s a lot to be said for both of these performances and wonderful athletes…

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The Game Changer when it comes to taking on a goal

The Game Changer when it comes to taking on a goal

I remember that draw dropping moment when I crossed the Sydney Marathon Finishing Line in a PB time (personal best) after just 4 weeks training! Which isn’t a lot when it comes to training for a Marathon…

I was already well onto this concept by then, I’d applied it in previous races and other areas of my life. But it often takes a powerful moment of validation for us to really believe in something, in no uncertain terms.

And this was one of those moments for me.

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How to find joy in your running again, or anything you once loved

How to find joy in your running again, or anything you once loved

I’ve found over the years my ‘JOY’ levels in running can vary big time!

I had it early on in my childhood and school years, and even more so as I started taking on longer distances, but somewhere along the line… I lost it.

I got caught up in the ‘need’ to run - to finish a training session or do a race, and I lost the joy I once had for it.

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BIG RUNNING GOAL TIP 1: Break your goal down and chip away at each kilometer and training session one at a time

BIG RUNNING GOAL TIP 1: Break your goal down and chip away at each kilometer and training session one at a time

Whatever distance you’ve signed up to run, or are considering, if it’s enough of a stretch from where you’re at right now, it could feel completely overwhelming, and make your knees wobble just at the very thought of it.

These are perfectly normal feelings, and I’d even suggest they’re good ones! Because they’re a sign of your courage and ambition in setting this goal, and I applaud you for that.

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BIG RUNNING GOAL TIP 2: Form a team around you to help achieve your goal

BIG RUNNING GOAL TIP 2: Form a team around you to help achieve your goal

There might only be one race bib allocated to you for race day, but that doesn’t mean you have to do it on your own. Forming a team around you to help get to the start line and achieve your goal is one of the most important things you could do.

And I think this is where many of us can become unstuck and fall short in achieving our goals, because we don’t recognize it early enough. Or perhaps we don’t know what kind of support we might need and where best to get it.

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BIG RUNNING GOAL TIP 3: Listen to your body and learn how to work ‘with’ it

BIG RUNNING GOAL TIP 3: Listen to your body and learn how to work ‘with’ it

Our bodies truly are the most incredible instruments. There is more magic and capability to them than we could ever understand or fully appreciate. But as runners, we can often default to working ‘against’ our body, not with it. And in doing so, limit our performance and compromise our body in the process – i.e. we can injure it!

This isn’t necessarily an intentional thing, it can just happen. As we strive to achieve more we feel we need to push harder. And it can become pretty tempting to keep up with a group that might be a little quick for us, or finish the session just to get it done when we should really call it quits.

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BIG RUNNING GOAL TIP 4: The best training plan is a flexible one

BIG RUNNING GOAL TIP 4: The best training plan is a flexible one

When it comes to taking on any big goal – having a good plan to get there is paramount. And that’s certainly the case for a big running goal such as a marathon. There are plenty of training plans out there to choose from, or better still have one custom made to suit you and your lifestyle.

But here’s the key to any training plan… Let it guide you, not govern you.

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BIG RUNNING GOAL TIP 5: Take a holistic approach to your training and race day

BIG RUNNING GOAL TIP 5: Take a holistic approach to your training and race day

For some people the word ‘holistic’ will be a very familiar term, and for others you may shy away cautiously wondering what ‘woowoo’ methods I’m going to suggest!

And either response is perfectly fine. Above anyone else’s advice, mine included – do what feels right for you. Because if it doesn’t feel right, it probably won’t be.

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BIG RUNNING GOAL TIP 6: Make it about the journey, not just race day

BIG RUNNING GOAL TIP 6: Make it about the journey, not just race day

A lot can happen come race day. And the majority of it will be out of your control. It could be related to the weather, a ‘malfunction’ of some sort, and in current times the race might not even go ahead! Plenty of athletes have sadly and frustratingly trained for their big event for months, or even years and had it cancelled or rescheduled, multiple times.

And then of course there’s the simple fact that some days it all comes together, and other days - it just doesn’t. So I’d encourage you not to lose sight of all the days that lead to that one day – race day.

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Life's a marathon. Run it.

Life's a marathon. Run it.

Of all the km's I've run the last few years - I've learnt more about 'life' than I have about 'running'.

And I was again privileged to line up at the start line of another marathon (#5) in Sydney on the 17th of September.

I learnt a hell of a lot in the weeks and days leading up to it, during the race itself, and reflecting afterwards. So I wanted to share a few of these learnings with you - incase any resonate, in life, or running ;)

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Run your own race...

Run your own race...

This is a quote I heard in a movie... and I just love it!

For context - it was advice given by a coach just moments before a race. And the runner did do something marvellous! But they're words that lend themselves to absolutely anything, not just running.

So often we get caught up with what others around us are doing, trying to keep up with them, or slow down for them.

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Greatness has no time limit.

Greatness has no time limit.

Greatness has no time limit.

This quote isn't mine, but one that continues to inspire me after seeing it at the 35km mark of the London Marathon earlier this year. Completely spent - I let go of chasing a 'time', realising greatness was about so much more...

This time last weekend - the photo above was taken, of Caroline Ashby moments after crossing the line, at the Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii, watching the best of the best push themselves beyond. And it couldn't be a more fitting quote as I reflect on the performances and stories I came across.

Greatness isn't about a time or a place.

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It's the little things...

It's the little things...

Ironically inspired by taking on something BIG - I found it was the ‘little things’ that actually stayed with me in the days that followed.

That something big was my 4th Marathon – back where it all started, the Melbourne Marathon, where I ran my 1st one 8 years ago.

Those nut bags who choose to take things like this on, all go through various journeys to get there, and my lead up certainly wasn’t ideal... With about 6 weeks to go I over did it - back to back Kettle Bell sessions, followed by a quicker than usual long run mid-week, and then sprinting in gum boots over rugged ground to catch a sheep that needed a hand lambing… as you do!? (Slightly random and took me 2 attempts but I caught it! The sprint was even described as 'explosive' by on-looker Gabe).

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The Little Champions.

The Little Champions.

Every day I become more in awe of how much inspiration, strength and spirit we can draw from kids. And for that reason I am dedicating this one to ‘The Little Champions’.

As they grow they’re so focused on trying to fit into our boots, but I believe it’s us big kids, who should strive to fit into theirs. If we measure boot size in spirit and strength - not length, these guys have oodles of it. It should be bottled in those single digit years...

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The power of human connection.

The power of human connection.

The New York City Marathon. For those who have had the privilege, you will have experienced it in your own way. For those who haven’t (yet!) or might not create the chance to, I wanted to share my experience and attempt to paint a picture of the day. For this truly is one of the most amazing examples of the power of human connection I have ever experienced.

It’s not just on ‘marathon day’- the hype and momentum build in the days leading up. Marathon enthusiasts occupied what felt like every second seat on the plane. I must have had race strategy conversations with at least 20 people on the epic 30-hour door-to-door journey to the Big Apple. It’s a special conversation with those making NYC their 1st marathon. The streets are a buzz with marathon fever - café owners, taxi drivers, people in the hotel lift and lobby ask if you’re doing ‘the run’ and wish you ‘good luck’ (and if they don’t – you tell them anyway!).

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If you can run, then run!!

If you can run, then run!!

They were the words fellow racer Greg offered me at the 25km mark of the marathon, the 3rd and final leg of our Ironman. With about 15km to go my legs were hurting, and the thought of walking with my friend up ahead, looked pretty appealing! I slowed to a walk when I reached him. But he wasn’t having a bar of it – “If you can run, then run. That’s how you finish ahead of people.”

So on I pushed – firing the legs up again, Greg’s encouragement had helped me find a little more energy, another wind - perhaps a 10th wind for the long day…

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Never under estimate the power of a 'High 5'.

Never under estimate the power of a 'High 5'.

Fresh back from the 37th Gold Coast Marathon and more inspired than ever - to keep running, to keep testing my limits... and to keep giving and receiving high 5's.

Not everyone loves running as much as I do, I get that, but I wanted to share a little insight into what it's like to be on course - receiving high 5's and on the sidelines giving them. Last weekend I did a lot of both!

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