I just ran 30km!


Hadn’t planned to run that far… but I did!

And from my current non-existent running base it was a pretty gutsy effort I must say 😊 💪

I wanted to share how it unfolded because I learnt so much and was reminded of a lot of things I ‘knew’ but could do with the reminder of. And for anyone with a marathon or big run coming up, maybe this will help. It’s a big one so sit back 🍿

I haven’t run consistently since becoming a mum. I’ve tried to, but any ‘come-backs’ are short lived. I struggle with the ‘juggle’ but every time I run, it reminds me how much I love it.

I’ve had a sore adductor for the last week or so and haven’t done my sometimes standard few kms every few days, for about 2 weeks. Just haven’t felt like it (which generally means I need it 😉) But last night I was determined to change that.

This morning on our way to childcare I said to James:

Mummy’s going to go for a run after I drop you off. How far should I run?

A really long way - he responded

Okay - I said, I’ll run as far as I can

I set out and sure enough my adductor was sore. I shook my head as I ran with a limp and thought I don’t think it’s going to happen today. But I told myself let’s just get up there to about the 500m mark. And I wondered if it was just tight and maybe after I warmed up it might be okay. So I kept chugging along with no expectations.

The number ‘30’ had come to me last night but it seemed so absurd to think I could possibly run that far. And even more so after the start I’d had. On top of the head ache I’d woken up with. But, I didn’t let myself go to any planned ‘end distance’. I recalled what Jess Trengove said about her race strategy at the Birmingham Commonwealth Games recently - about just ‘ticking off every 5km’. Which I’d forgotten until then was also the strategy I had in my 1st marathon.

And so a few kms in I thought I’d do the same. Let’s turn 30 into 3 x 5km out. I didn’t think about the return distance, I just figured if I could do those 3 x 5km blocks, all I had to do was get home! And heading out was a head wind so there’d be a tail wind on the way home.

So I got to 5km. 1st drink break and stretch. By then my adductor had warmed up. It was still sore but I wasn’t running with a limp anymore. Then my right calf got sore… I used every trick in my book today!

  • Reiki

  • Allowing the pain to be there, not resisting it

  • Switching muscles on / off and thanking them!

  • Breathing in fresh air / energy and breathing out pain

  • Recruiting every bit of muscle strength memory within my body from all the training I’ve done over the years to run as far as I could today

  • Asking the ocean to help heal me as I ran along beside it

  • Running on the grass in parts to help ground the pain

  • Mantras and affirmations

  • MUSIC!

  • Being fully present in each and every step, not thinking too far ahead

  • A few side skips and running backwards for a few strides to change up my running position and give my muscles some variation

  • More frequent breaks to stop and stretch later on

  • Varying my stride - shorter / longer

  • Varying speed - for the most part just ‘cruising’, but some quicker spirts to maintain better form

  • Using my arms to help propel me up hills and to take the load off the legs a little

  • Qi Gong

  • Breathing work

  • Talking to my body

  • And doing a little fist pump every time my Garmin told me I’d clocked over another km 🥳

Finally, I reached the turn around! 15km! Awesome! Now I just have to get home… I was pretty spent and sore. But I knew I had a tail wind now, and I imagined that carrying me home.

Then all of a sudden my ITB got sore! Right on the turn around, as if it knew. It was feeding into my left knee which was in a fair bit of pain. I’d been here before, that can be a show stopper 😌

I’d told myself earlier ‘we can Uber home anytime, if we need to’. That’s the thing about an out and back course, you can’t cut it short - but the Uber option gave me peace of mind, as much as I didn’t want to take it, it was there. And I was only seconds away from taking it. ITB pain generally doesn’t go away… and this felt like it was really setting in.

I resorted to some short walk breaks to help me reset and even a few side skips and running backwards for a few strides to try change up my running position and give my muscles some variation, and I had more frequent breaks to stop and stretch. I also had spurts of speeding up to maintain better form, and for a short while that worked, until it didn’t ‘)

My knee kept giving me grief. But I just kept going. And kept managing it in the moment with everything I had. I thanked it, sent it love, and said ‘I feel your pain, but NOT today! This isn’t going to stop us!’ Like it had stopped me many times before. I kept going… then my other calf got sore! No surprises there ;) my run would be any physio’s ‘Don’t do it’ recommendation.

I thanked my calf because it took the pain focus off my knee :) Sometimes when we give the pain focus, it gives it energy and it gets worse! My friend and remarkable Kinesiologist Belinda Morris had taught me that. I even tried counting different coloured cars that went past to distract and re-program my mind. And played Spotto by myself 🤣 My knee / ITB continued to linger, but, it wasn’t going to stop me!

The distant spec that marked where my house and finishing line was slowly got closer. I was now inside the last 5km! Both calves now tight as anything. ‘Please don’t tear a muscle’ - I thought 😳

So I really shortened my stride to help nurture my calves, after lengthening it to help manage my ITB earlier. I came up with a mantra ‘one. foot. in. front. of. the. other.’ - on repeat, one word with each stride.

Inside 2km… the count down was on! I was exhausted and my body was hurting… don’t think I was even running in a straight line that last little chapter and I’d lost all form - but that didn’t matter now. The knowing that today I WAS going to get 30 on the clock made pushing through all that, more than worth it. I’ll walk if I have to, but we’re going to do this!!!! (I refer to my body and I as ‘we’ sometimes :)

I had to finish it off by turning back into the head wind for a bit to make up the distance.

Then the final BEEP sounded! 30km! I found a spot on the grass and collapsed into the earth. I just lay there. Looking up at the beautiful blue sky.

An elderly lady walking past wondered if I was okay, until she saw the smile on my face 😇

That run was just what I needed today, and I am immensely proud I found the courage to do it 🙏

I learnt, and was reminded of, so much…

Dream big. But just focus on each step, one at a time, and see how far you get. Pain doesn’t have to stop us. We can always Uber home 😉 And we have an abundance of techniques in our tool kit to help!

When I collected James this afternoon, I couldn’t wait to tell him that Mummy ran as far as she could today! 💓🙏

Today, I reminded myself of The Power of Possibility.