The Secret to Life and to Running? Here's one answer worth considering...

After her Marathon win at the Birmingham Commonwealth Games recently Jess Trengove spoke of how she ‘gets the most out of herself when she’s thinking one k at a time’.

Lindsay Flanagan said something similar after her win at the Gold Coast Marathon (in a new course record of 2:24!) - her main goal was to ‘stay present the whole race and take it one mile at a time’ - something she says to have struggled with in the past.

There’s a lot to be said for both of these performances and wonderful athletes.

And very on theme with one of the most well known running quotes:

‘Run the mile you are in’

I’m not sure who to credit it to - David Willey or Ryan Hall with it as his book title.

But the same can be said for life. And that would go something like this:

‘Live the moment you are in’

Give that moment your full attention, your full presence.

Be fully present in what you’re doing, where you’re doing it, and who you’re doing it with.

Sound simple?

Yeah sure ;) in theory! But why do we find it so hard?

Presence feels like one of those things that could take a lifetime to master.

But the funny thing is, I wonder if life gets easier when we do it? Or when we allow ourselves to do it? And maybe that’s it - not ‘trying’ but ‘allowing’…

Because when we are fully present we’re not thinking about what’s coming or what’s been. We don’t have to stress or concern ourselves with anything more than this very moment, whatever it holds.

Whether that be one of joy or pain or anything in between.

How often do we allow ourselves to do that? I mean really do it. Without our mind taking us on a scavenger hunt to another time or place??

Same goes for running.

You’ve just set off to run a Marathon. You’re 2 km in.

Do you think letting your mind take you to the 30 km or 40 km mark, knowing how faaaar that feels right now is going to help you actually get there? No.

It will also potentially traumatise your body as it just tries to focus on the job at hand!

This kilometre. This moment.

So in many ways I wonder if ‘Presence’ is the secret to life and to running?

I think it’s one of them.

Certainly if ‘quality’ and ‘joy’ and ‘experience’ are measures of life and running.

The quality, joy and experience of life and of running surely increases the more present we are?

I’m going to take this theme with me today and see how ridiculously present I can be in each moment the day holds!

And I invite + challenge you to do the same :)

To all things life, and running, and the moments they hold.