How to give your New Year’s Resolutions a life beyond January

How to give your New Year’s Resolutions a life beyond January

As we turn the page of a new calendar and get use to writing ‘2023’ in place of ‘2022’ the New Year is also a time when we welcome a ‘fresh start’ in different areas of our lives, and typically set New Year’s Resolutions.

The year ahead feels like a blank canvas. What will it hold?

Now is the time when we are most open to setting big goals and inviting in more possibility in our lives…

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The 'mind hack' I learnt at the playground

The 'mind hack' I learnt at the playground

The trouble with encouraging your kids to believe they can do anything is you can find yourself being equally encouraged!

I’ve never had a liking for those big tunnel slides. Such a long tunnel with so little space I find the thought of - claustrophobic.

But James took to one like a duck to water recently on our Sunny Coast holiday. Navigating the climb all the way to the top and then down he came. On repeat. He loved it! And hadn’t been on one anything close to that size before…

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The Secret to Life and to Running? Here's one answer worth considering...

The Secret to Life and to Running? Here's one answer worth considering...

After her Marathon win at the Birmingham Commonwealth Games recently Jess Trengove spoke of how she ‘gets the most out of herself when she’s thinking one k at a time’.

Lindsay Flanagan said something similar after her win at the Gold Coast Marathon (in a new course record of 2:24!) - her main goal was to ‘stay present the whole race and take it one mile at a time’ - something she says to have struggled with in the past.

There’s a lot to be said for both of these performances and wonderful athletes…

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How to find joy in your running again, or anything you once loved

How to find joy in your running again, or anything you once loved

I’ve found over the years my ‘JOY’ levels in running can vary big time!

I had it early on in my childhood and school years, and even more so as I started taking on longer distances, but somewhere along the line… I lost it.

I got caught up in the ‘need’ to run - to finish a training session or do a race, and I lost the joy I once had for it.

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When it gets tough, and it will, know you've got what it takes, because you do

When it gets tough, and it will, know you've got what it takes, because you do

I came up with this quote a few years ago to help me get through my last Marathon.

Having only done 4 weeks training for it, I anticipated I’d need it… and I did!

I pulled it out of the Inspiration Kit recently for the Melbourne Marathoners, and wanted to share it here, because it goes for any kind of goal and life itself.

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One of the finest examples of attitude I've ever seen - Carol Cooke AM

One of the finest examples of attitude I've ever seen - Carol Cooke AM

I wanted to shine a spotlight on a wonderful friend of mine.

Who also just happens to be a 3 x Gold medal Paralympian and 9 x World Champion in Cycling, among many other medals and accolades. Oh, and she has MS too!

Carol is a remarkable human being. And as I write this, she is lying in a hospital bed in Tokyo, waiting for her punctured lung to heal before she can return home to Melbourne.

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It couldn’t be more challenging or important to have a goal right now

It couldn’t be more challenging or important to have a goal right now

To me, having a goal is almost like breathing

Granted they don’t always need to be big goals, but there is such enormous value in having a goal, of any form.

Goals give us drive, focus and a direction to head in.

And when we’re feeling un-driven, we’ve lost focus, and we don’t feel like we’re going anywhere or getting anywhere… I think a goal can often be the remedy.

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When you 'do', you know you 'can'.

When you 'do', you know you 'can'.

This one was inspired by navigating the early days of motherhood - but can apply to anything...

My first 'Little bit of inspiration' blog since my 'Little bundle of inspiration' arrived.

On the weekend we ventured interstate for our first flight adventure for a good friend's wedding. At 7 weeks old, and after a series of challenges on the feeding and sleep deprivation front, as well as choosing to take this path on my own - I was pretty unsure if I could 'do it'. But at the last minute, I chose to try.

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3 years on... 10 tips about going 'solo'.

3 years on... 10 tips about going 'solo'.

Today marks 3 years since I launched my own business, and there's not a day that goes by I don't continue to learn, be proud, pleased and uncertain - all at the very same time!

To mark the occasion I wanted to share what I've learnt for others who might have taken that same leap, or better still - for those considering it, yet hamstrung by the 'great unknown' that lies on the other side...

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J.W. Andre Diaries of the 1930's.

J.W. Andre Diaries of the 1930's.

My Dad (John André) gave the following talk to the Millicent Library on Tuesday the 15th May, it's written as a speech more than to read, but given the interest it generated I wanted to share it. The words in 'quotes' are direct extracts from the diaries.

We are talking about the diaries of Jim Andre, father of Roger and myself and grandfather of Peter, Alex and Lucille. Great Grandfather of Chloe & Charlize - Sophie, Will, Grace and Fred.

These diaries cover some 70 years when he farmed at Furner (1929 to 1998)

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You're never alone.

You're never alone.

Yesterday I got to see 20 amazing individuals roll into Melbourne after 6 days of riding a total of 800km's around country Victoria, in temperatures nearing 40 degrees...

I only witnessed a fraction of the week they had, but it certainly moved me. And this photo captures one of those moments. The 'Rider of the week' taking a moment during his acceptance speech, and an arm of support reaches out to him.

This photo depicts what I know to be true...

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Life's a marathon. Run it.

Life's a marathon. Run it.

Of all the km's I've run the last few years - I've learnt more about 'life' than I have about 'running'.

And I was again privileged to line up at the start line of another marathon (#5) in Sydney on the 17th of September.

I learnt a hell of a lot in the weeks and days leading up to it, during the race itself, and reflecting afterwards. So I wanted to share a few of these learnings with you - incase any resonate, in life, or running ;)

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Run your own race...

Run your own race...

This is a quote I heard in a movie... and I just love it!

For context - it was advice given by a coach just moments before a race. And the runner did do something marvellous! But they're words that lend themselves to absolutely anything, not just running.

So often we get caught up with what others around us are doing, trying to keep up with them, or slow down for them.

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There's more to Gold than meets the eye.

There's more to Gold than meets the eye.

Last night I had the great privilege of hearing from 5 inspirational speakers at the ICMI Women in Leadership Showcase. All incredible women, making a difference in their own way.

Amongst them was one of my all time favourites Anna Meares OAM. I was even one of those annoying guests that loitered around until the very end - determined not to miss the chance to meet her (and mumble out some words of thanks) just before she ‘left the building’. And I’m so glad I did.

She said she wanted to share some of the ‘behind the scenes’ people just wouldn’t know about. And that she did. I hope in writing this it shares some of those things a little further

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There are no wrong doors.

There are no wrong doors.

This blog was inspired by a beautiful friend, Bruce. We caught up a few days ago and had a brilliant chat about 'life'. You know those people who are so humble about life and full of wisdom, they just offer bite chunks of it to you in such a subtle way... Bruce is one of those lovely characters.

I shared with him my new brand I'd planned to launch in the coming days, and of my decision to move on from a brilliant business I’d been working with, to make space to follow my passion and do more of my own thing. Despite having already made these decisions I could still sense an element of doubt and hesitation in my voice.

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Legends bring out the best in each other!

Legends bring out the best in each other!

And what a privilege it was to watch 2 of the greats stepping it up tonight.

So much has and will be written about them, as it should be, but above all, I believe these 2 set the most brilliant example of 'class, commitment & courage'.

As Roger gives a little blow to his finger tips - cooling the sweat before he receives serve... Rafa very indiscreetly pulls out a wedgy... But hey, whatever works...

These 2 redefine 'champions'.

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What kind of ENERGY would you like with that?

What kind of ENERGY would you like with that?

When I contemplated what I might call my business - I was fresh through an Ironman finishing line, and my thing was and still is about 'Being the Difference'. It's at the heart of all I do - it's about helping people realise their potential, being bigger versions of themselves - and the part I hope I am, and can play in that.

But what did 'Be the Difference' mean from a business offering perspective? It didn't quite cut the mustard for a business name, so I pondered some more... The name had to have 'marketing' in there, it's what I'd done for nearly 20 years... (yes I am now that old to quote 20 years ago...!), and it was what I knew, and loved!

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