It couldn’t be more challenging or important to have a goal right now


To me, having a goal is almost like breathing

Granted they don’t always need to be big goals, but there is such enormous value in having a goal, of any form.

Goals give us drivefocus and a direction to head in.

And when we’re feeling un-driven, we’ve lost focus, and we don’t feel like we’re going anywhere or getting anywhere… I think a goal can often be the remedy.

And perhaps now is a time when more people than ever are feeling many of those things. Understandably, particularly if you’re living in the most-locked-down city /state in the world :)

It’s also more challenging than ever in this environment to have a goal. Race goals get bumped and life all feels a little uncertain. For many of us, the term ‘plans’ are a thing of the past and life feels like a day to day scenario…

But we don’t have to experience a pandemic to bring these things on. We can all feel them at different points in our lives for various reasons.

And if you are, or know of someone who is, I’d like to suggest setting yourself a goal.

It might just be a simple goal for the day, or the week, or for the next month. I do love a big goal, but a ‘big’ goal is relative, and a goal needs to meet you where you’re at, so find one that can best serve you right now.

If you’d like to share it, I would honestly love to hear it!