It will be an achievement you remember for the rest of your life knowing


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Watch this clip to get a feel for what it’s like to run a Marathon

And my passion to help you!


What’s included?

✔️ Onboarding Session: 60-min zoom call to discuss your goal, where you’re at now & form a plan

✔️ Training Program: developed specifically for you following our initial session & modified as we go

✔️ Weekly Check-Ins: 30-min zoom/voice calls to check in, review your training & offer any guidance

✔️ Email Support: available at any time to help navigate the journey as questions or issues arise

✔️ Tools / Templates: an array of useful training tools & templates to help support your journey

✔️ Race-Day Prep Session: let’s get you ‘Race-Ready’ with a visualisation, affirmation & comprehensive checklist

✔️ Post-Race Debrief Session: a Bonus session to debrief the big day & reflect on your journey & learnings


The benefits?

✔️ A customised training program - that’s constantly refined & fits in with your lifestyle

✔️ Learn how to tune in - and be confidently guided by your body

✔️ Feel supported - every step of the way!

✔️ A holistic approach - that’s gentler on your body & optimises your performance

✔️ Arrive at the start line excited & ready - for the day ahead!

✔️ Recover better - learn how to honour & thank your body

✔️ Make it more than a run - but a journey of growth that up-levels your life


The investment?

The 16-Week Marathon Coaching Program is $75/week

Payment options:

  • Weekly ($75/week x 16)

  • Fortnightly ($150/fortnight x 8)

  • Monthly ($300/month x 4)


Sign up as early as you can so we can get your onboarding session booked in & your program underway!


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A word from your Coach…

Achieving my 1st Marathon was a life changer for me & it’s what fuels my passion to help others on that same quest.

Whether it’s your 1st Marathon or the 1st one you want to do differently.

Running has changed me & I’ve changed the way I run.

I use to almost ‘smash’ my body. Command it. Believe I was only strong & worthy if I completed the set I’d planned or the race I’d signed up to.

I now believe differently & approach my running very differently.

And that has enabled me to achieve more - in running & life - than I could have ever imagined.


This ‘different’ approach forms the basis of my coaching:

  • HOLISTIC - we won’t look at your goal purely from a ‘physical’ perspective, we’ll include the mental, emotional & spiritual elements too

  • FLUID - we won’t be rigid to a ‘fixed’ plan, we’ll set one initially & then constantly flex it by listening to your body & your lifestyle needs

  • RECOVERY-HONOURING - you’ll do hard sessions, but we’ll also build in recovery time & be kind to your body by working ‘with’ it

  • INTUITIVE - I’ve learnt to trust my intuition & let it help guide me & I’ll be encouraging you to do the same on your journey

  • PURPOSE - we won’t make your goal purely about ‘ticking a box’, we’ll give it more depth by exploring what achieving it will mean to you

  • POST-RACE - we’ll reflect on your journey & the learnings - so you can take these beyond the finishing line & to other aspects of life

It’s the approach I take to my own training & the one I’ll bring to yours.

Along with an unapologetic passion & genuine excitement for your goal & the journey you’re choosing to embark on.

And if your goal is a Half Marathon (or any other event!) I can absolutely support you towards that too.

Sign up below or book a time to chat.

Let’s do it!!

Alexandra André

  • Recreational Running Level 1 Coaching

  • 7 x Marathoner, 11 x 1/2 Marathoner

  • 1 x IRONMAN, 2 x 70.3 IRONMAN

  • Reiki Level 1 & 2, Reiki Masters (in progress)

  • Kinesiology Level 1


Choose your payment option (weekly, fortnightly, monthly) and ‘Add to Cart’ below

Want to chat first? You can book a time here

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A$75.00 every week for 16 weeks
A$150.00 every 2 weeks for 16 weeks
A$300.00 every month for 4 months

Coaching stories…

David Short ran Melbourne Marathon 2022

“It’s official. I’m a Marathoner!! 42.2 km is a long way.

A special thanks to my coach & mentor Alexandra Andre. It’s been a great journey.

It all started about a year ago when I started running during Covid-19’s lockdown. I’ve never been much of a runner but the gyms were closed and I needed a new way to exercise. I started off small with 3km, 5km then working up to 10km runs. I decided to train for a half marathon. Six months later I entered my first 1/2 marathon. I had no idea what I was doing but I managed to finish the race and it felt amazing.

Now I was enjoying running I started reading books and magazines to learn more about the sport. That’s when I came across ‘The Power of Possibility’ by Alexandra Andre. Wow! Such an amazing book. It changed my outlook on life and inspired me to dream of bigger things. Maybe I could run a full marathon? Soon after completing this life changing book I contacted Alex and signed up for her first time marathon running package.

It’s exactly what I needed, step by step training program. Weekly updates and feedback on my training. Alex is amazing. Her knowledge of the sport and ongoing support and encouragement made my dream of completing a marathon possible.

Closer to race day Alex really helped me with my race nutrition, hydration and supplements. Alex provided information on stretching, active recovery and race day tactics.

I would highly recommend Alex and her training program for anyone out there thinking of completing their first marathon or major sporting event. Alex will make anything possible”


The day before - picking up his race bib

race day! Showing off his medal


Are you ready?

Choose your Marathon (race calendar here), secure your race entry and sign up!

We’ll get your Onboarding Session booked in & your program underway


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