Could accountability lessen the chances of you achieving your goal?


I was asked the question recently on a podcast interview as to whether a coach and others on my ‘team’ for certain goals helped me with accountability.

And I said ‘no, not really’. Because those goals we were talking about I owned completely. I didn’t need anyone to hold me to account. I wanted them to help me in other ways with their expertise, but nothing to do with accountability.

And it made me think more about this concept of ‘accountability’…

I wonder if we do need someone to hold us to account for a particular goal, could there be a deeper / underlying issue of commitment and ownership of our goal? i.e. we haven’t fully committed to it / owned it

And in fact perhaps even feeling the need to be accountable to someone could be a really helpful indicator to dig a bit deeper? And ask yourself the question around how committed you are to your goal, and if there is an opportunity to reset and more fully own it?

I know my commitment levels to goals vary, and recently I’ve been checking in on this, and as soon as I sense the need to ‘report in’ to someone, I’ve found it really helpful to re-ground myself in my goal, and the need goes away…

To give our goals every chance of success, WE need to own them.
No one else will :) Nor should they. They are after all our goals. Others can help us get there, but I feel accountability really needs to sit with us?