When it gets tough, and it will, know you've got what it takes, because you do


I came up with this quote a few years ago to help me get through my last Marathon.

Having only done 4 weeks training for it, I anticipated I’d need it… and I did!

I pulled it out of the Inspiration Kit recently for the Melbourne Marathoners, and wanted to share it here, because it goes for any kind of goal and life itself.

I’ve drawn on those words many times since that Marathon. And have found it positively re-assuring, knowing whatever goal I set myself, whatever happens, whatever I have to get through or deal with, I can. I’ve got what it takes.

And so do YOU!

We’ve all got our own version of a ‘marathon’ achievement in our lives, whether that be a goal, or just a really crappy time or challenging situation we got through.

And there is so much strength we can draw from it.

We are more capable than we could ever imagine, and it’s those tough times that give us the opportunity to prove to ourselves just what that looks like.

So anytime you need to dig a little deeper - remember these words!

Consider them on permanent loan :)