Signing up to a big goal is almost like an invitation of possibility


You may be aware of my love affair with the word ‘POSSIBILITY’.

It’s a good one.

But you’ve got to take the ticket to invite it in!

You’ve got to sign up to that big goal in the first place to allow you to see and to experience what’s possible in your life.

It won’t happen otherwise. It can’t visit you in the space of comfortable, small goals, or no goals at all.

It can’t even stretch it’s legs in that place :)

It’s those big, uncomfortable, seemingly insurmountable goals - that matter enough, that’s where possibility thrives. Because they’re the goals that give rise and opportunity for possibility to meet them.

We have no idea what we’re capable of until we try.

What are you going to try next year? Is there a big goal you’ve been sitting on, waiting for someone to talk you into?

Consider this your invitation to take the ticket!