How to get over self-doubt?


It's a bit like learning to dance in the rain, than waiting for the storm to pass…

Self-doubt can be a common trait for many of us. Especially when it comes to taking on something ‘big’.

And it’s typically seen as a bad thing. But I don’t believe it has to be. I think it all comes down to what we do with that self-doubt.

If we let it hinder us and deny us the chance to try, then yes that could be a bad thing. And unfortunate, because no one wins when we play small.

If we wait for the ‘self-doubt storm’ to pass, it may never.

But there is another way. We can acknowledge that self-doubt and allow it to be there. Let it have a seat at the table. Even see it as a healthy thing, because it means we’re considering something that will stretch us.

But don’t ever let your self-doubt be the deciding factor!

Choose courage instead. Find the courage to sign up and commit to trying, despite the self-doubt you may feel towards achieving it.

Easier said than done? Potentially… but it all comes down to the mindset you choose.

Don’t wait for your self-doubt storm to pass, embrace it and dance in the rain of possibility!