When you 'do', you know you 'can'.


This one was inspired by navigating the early days of motherhood - but can apply to anything...

My first 'Little bit of inspiration' blog since my 'Little bundle of inspiration' arrived.

On the weekend we ventured interstate for our first flight adventure for a good friend's wedding. At 7 weeks old, and after a series of challenges on the feeding and sleep deprivation front, as well as choosing to take this path on my own - I was pretty unsure if I could 'do it'. But at the last minute, I chose to try.

It wasn't easy... there were tears (for both of us :), there were plenty of anxious moments not sure how he'd fly, when he'd wake crying of hunger and wanting me when I wasn't there...

But we did it!

We had plenty of help from beautiful friends and beautiful strangers that made it possible. And when we returned last night, I shed a tear as I sat in bed reflecting on what we'd just done, with my little man making all those beautifully entertaining baby sleeping noises in his bassinet beside me. I was proud. I was proud for what we'd just done, and so pleased we'd been brave enough to at least try.

To some it might not sound like much, to others you'll know exactly what I mean - you will have been there too. But it's like anything you take on for the first time that feels like such a stretch from where you're at.

I've flown hundreds of times and I've stretched myself on the sporting and business front many a time too - but I'm now navigating a whole new world. I've found the early days of motherhood magical, but also extremely challenging. You can become pretty unsure about everything! Leaving the house to go for a coffee can be a daunting thought, let alone jumping on a plane. You can't control how any of it will roll. So it's with a sense of bravery you first do anything beyond your front door.

The ironic thing was this wedding was on the 22nd March, exactly 4 years since my Ironman. The Groom - Shane 'Yabbie' Campbell, was the first person to suggest I consider doing an Ironman, I hadn't previously given it a thought. 4 years later, I manage to express 100mls and leave my son with someone other than family for the first time to go to the wedding.

And from where life sits for me right now - that was the scale of an Ironman.

It really was such a confidence booster, and it's the one I needed. So I wanted to share my experience, in the hope that it might encourage you to do that thing, whatever that 'thing' is for you.

Because when you DO, and you will, you'll know you CAN. And then you'll do it again. You'll do it bigger, and you'll go further. And you'll expand your world of possibility from where it sits right now.

(Originally published - 25th March, 2019)