The Game Changer when it comes to taking on a goal


I remember that draw dropping moment when I crossed the Sydney Marathon Finishing Line in a PB time (personal best) after just 4 weeks training! Which isn’t a lot when it comes to training for a Marathon…

I was already well onto this concept by then, I’d applied it in previous races and other areas of my life. But it often takes a powerful moment of validation for us to really believe in something, in no uncertain terms.

And this was one of those moments for me.

When it comes to taking on a goal, we tend to take the ‘obvious’ or traditional approach by focusing on just one area to get us there.

For example:

With a running or sporting goal we might focus purely on our ‘Physical’ training.

In the business world we might focus purely on our 'Mental’ effort.

But when we do that - we miss so much!

We miss so many other resources that could powerfully contribute to the achievement of our goal.

I'm talking about utilising all four areas of:

Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual

This combo is like an infinite resource pool available to us 24 x 7!

And often left idle unless we experience for ourselves how incredible fully tapping into it can be. Like I did in my Sydney Marathon.

When we just focus on one area, we only bring part of ourselves to our goal.

I liken this to leaving 3/4 of our team on the bench!

Who would do that in a game we want to win? Or at least give it our best shot.

There is so much we can do in each of these four areas to better our chances of achieving our goal. And bring more balance too.

I talk about this in my book and it forms a module in The Academy because it’s been such a fundamental game changer for me, and I know it could be for you too.

So when it comes to your next goal, or better still - one you're aiming for right now, take a moment to reflect on what you're doing to achieve it. 

Is your focus very much on one of these four areas and the others a little light on or non existent? See if you can change that and make it a more balanced and resourceful approach.

And better your chances by bringing ALL of yourself to it.