BIG RUNNING GOAL TIP 5: Take a holistic approach to your training and race day


For some people the word ‘holistic’ will be a very familiar term, and for others you may shy away cautiously wondering what ‘woowoo’ methods I’m going to suggest!

And either response is perfectly fine. Above anyone else’s advice, mine included – do what feels right for you. Because if it doesn’t feel right, it probably won’t be.

When I refer to a ‘holistic’ approach I mean using a collection of methods that allow you to really unlock what’s within you, and give yourself the best chance of success. Everyone gets there in a different way, but there is so much more to a running goal than simply running.

There is… how you’re feeling emotionally when you run, what’s going on in your mind when you run, how you’ve fuelled your body, your self belief, your rest and recovery, and much more!

Taking a holistic approach means not just focusing on the physical side of your training, but including the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects aswell – because together, those elements can help enormously in the achievement of your goal.

So make sure your training program or your plan includes a mix of all four areas, not just one – the physical one. It really will help set you up for success and allow you to enjoy more balance too.

And if you’re looking for ideas as to what types of things you could be doing in each area, ask some other running friends or people you respect. And be open to trying some new things, you just might come across a practice that makes all the difference to your regime!

Click here to see all 6 tips to get ready to take on your big running goal