BIG RUNNING GOAL TIP 4: The best training plan is a flexible one


When it comes to taking on any big goal – having a good plan to get there is paramount. And that’s certainly the case for a big running goal such as a marathon. There are plenty of training plans out there to choose from, or better still have one custom made to suit you and your lifestyle.

But here’s the key to any training plan… Let it guide you, not govern you.

Don’t run the risk of being too fixated on it - too rigid to it being set in concrete and the only possible way to achieve your goal. Because the one thing that plan is missing, is feedback from your body. And as covered in Tip 3 learning to listen to your body is fundamental to success. If you don’t it could all fall apart pretty quickly. I’ve learnt that lesson many times, missing the start line due to injury.

But if you can blend that plan with real time feedback from your body, and feel empowered to make adjustments as you need to – that’s the perfect training recipe!

The other point to make here is no one knows your body better than you do. You’ll know if something is just a ‘niggle’ you can run with and nurture in your recovery, or if it’s got an alarm bell style feel to it that really should be honored. (And if you don’t – you’ll come to learn the difference!)

I’m not suggesting be overly cautious or overly ignorant – but there’s a fine line in the middle you can learn to really tune into. And then you need to respect it by making any adjustments that might be necessary. And if you’ve got a coach, they should be listening and able to help you with that.

On the flip side of course there might be some training sessions you feel amazing and your body tells you to go faster or further, and you should honor that too. It’s not always modifying the plan downwards, but it’s when we don’t that things can fall apart.

And if you’re a 1st time marathoner – this can be challenging. Especially if you’re training with a group, and you really like training with the group! It takes courage to pull up short from a training session, or speak up to your coach and have to sit the next interval out. I get it, I’ve been there! But you’ll find the courage it takes to respect your body – and I guarantee it will be worth it.

Our bodies are remarkable, they can achieve more than we could ever imagine – but we need to listen to them, and be open to adjusting our training to accommodate them.

Click here to see all 6 tips to get ready to take on your big running goal