Take time.

Take time.

"How are you? - Busy. I'm soooo very busy..." has this conversation played out for you recently? I'm as guilty as anyone, but I'd like to change that and challenge the use of 'busy' and 'no time' from the pallet of words we choose to use...

The truth is we are all busy, doing lots of stuff, and it does often feel like we have 'no time'. We get caught up in the rat race of life, and that my friends isn't going to change... the pace of the world around us is speeding up, not slowing down. We often just bounce from one thing to the next, from one person to the next, one location to the next. The busy-ness of life is an occupational hazard!

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Masters of Destiny...

Masters of Destiny...

A recent conversation really got me thinking… (as they often do!). I was mid workout when I started chatting with someone about what we both did on the work front. We had something in common – for a long time we both worked for other businesses, and were now doing our own thing - doing something we loved, on our terms.

“I’m so happy I’m now the master of my own destiny” - he said. And my response was like a knee jerk reaction - “Yes me too”.

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Sign up and prove yourself wrong.

Sign up and prove yourself wrong.

As I celebrate 12 months on from pressing the 'launch' button on Marketing Energizers, I reflect on lots of things, but none more so than the one action I took that was by far the most pivotal. The one thing I did that allowed both the preceding actions, and subsequent actions, to be fully realized and all bring me to where I am today, doing what I am doing today.

It's the one we often put off, we shy away from, we avoid at all costs. We take the easy route and look the other way. We stick to the certainty of what we know, instead of the uncertainty that doing this one thing will most likely result in...

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The Little Champions.

The Little Champions.

Every day I become more in awe of how much inspiration, strength and spirit we can draw from kids. And for that reason I am dedicating this one to ‘The Little Champions’.

As they grow they’re so focused on trying to fit into our boots, but I believe it’s us big kids, who should strive to fit into theirs. If we measure boot size in spirit and strength - not length, these guys have oodles of it. It should be bottled in those single digit years...

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Be the wind in your own sails.

Be the wind in your own sails.

How many times do we rely on "other people" to make us feel good? "Other things" to make us feel good?

“We’ll be happy when we see xx, when we hear xx, or when we get xx”.

If you listen to conversations around you - really listen, you might be surprised at how often this actually plays out… with others, and more importantly with ourselves!

The problem here? Most of these elements are out of our control. We’re relying on the environment around us to make us feel good!!?? Or feel a certain way - whether it’s good, excited, or humbled – whatever it may be to you, we all too often rely on the environment to allow us feel that way.

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Celebrate life. And everyone in it.

Celebrate life. And everyone in it.

I recently celebrated my 40th birthday... A number I thought was so very old, not that many years ago. Then as it got closer, for various reasons, I became to appreciate the privilege it was to reach such a milestone. And it was one I wanted to celebrate, not let pass quietly by, like we too often do.

My little nephew Will answered the phone on his 7th birthday: 'Hello, it's the birthday boy'. This didn’t just make my day, it also highlighted the stark contrast of the attitude most of us had at a similar age, to the one we develop over the years, preferring our birth'day' to go unnoticed, and unacknowledged.

I must admit I'm not usually one to want a fuss on my birthday, but the milestones I've always celebrated, and this recent one actually meant more to me than all the previous ones put together.

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The power of vulnerability.

The power of vulnerability.

I’ve just spent the last 3 days with the most incredible group of people.

When I first met Sam Cawthorn last year, I felt slightly embarrassed I’d not heard much about this Young Australian of the Year (sorry Sam!). Some 10 years ago he’d had a major car crash (involving a head on with a truck...), and was pronounced dead. He was resuscitated, but left with an amputated right arm and a permanent disability in his right leg, and has gone on to make his own unique difference to the world encouraging others to ‘bounce forward’, using his story as a platform to inspire and encourage others to share theirs.

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PRIDE. Feel the goose bumps…

PRIDE. Feel the goose bumps…

As Australia Day nears, in a country full of patriotism at home and abroad, I thought it fitting to write about 'pride', and the impact it can have on us - deep, deep within us.

It’s the kind of pride that brings a smile to your heart, a tingly sensation to your body, a little height to your torso, and goose bumps all over. We’ve all had moments like these. And if you've let yourself really 'feel it', it's something you can't forget, you don't want to forget.

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Who needs a roof over their head?

Who needs a roof over their head?

Granted they do provide shelter, and we are lucky to live in a country where they are commonplace, but for the purpose of this blog stay with me…

Shelter. That is their purpose. That’s what a roof does – it shelters us.

It shelters and protects us. It keeps us safe and comfortable. It allows us to live in artificial like conditions – where we control the temperature, the humidity, the sound and wind factors…

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The power of human connection.

The power of human connection.

The New York City Marathon. For those who have had the privilege, you will have experienced it in your own way. For those who haven’t (yet!) or might not create the chance to, I wanted to share my experience and attempt to paint a picture of the day. For this truly is one of the most amazing examples of the power of human connection I have ever experienced.

It’s not just on ‘marathon day’- the hype and momentum build in the days leading up. Marathon enthusiasts occupied what felt like every second seat on the plane. I must have had race strategy conversations with at least 20 people on the epic 30-hour door-to-door journey to the Big Apple. It’s a special conversation with those making NYC their 1st marathon. The streets are a buzz with marathon fever - café owners, taxi drivers, people in the hotel lift and lobby ask if you’re doing ‘the run’ and wish you ‘good luck’ (and if they don’t – you tell them anyway!).

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Why does it take a farewell to find the words?

Why does it take a farewell to find the words?

People walk in and out of our lives all the time… they move house, they move jobs, they leave a town, they leave a country, and inevitability, they will, at some point - leave the world around us.

Tomorrow, I will be farewelling my good friend Georgie, and over the past week there have fittingly been the most beautiful words and stories shared about her. We’ve reflected, we’ve cried, we’ve been inspired, we’ve laughed and we’ve been so very grateful for having her in our lives.

And it made me think… why does it take a farewell to find the words?

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If you can run, then run!!

If you can run, then run!!

They were the words fellow racer Greg offered me at the 25km mark of the marathon, the 3rd and final leg of our Ironman. With about 15km to go my legs were hurting, and the thought of walking with my friend up ahead, looked pretty appealing! I slowed to a walk when I reached him. But he wasn’t having a bar of it – “If you can run, then run. That’s how you finish ahead of people.”

So on I pushed – firing the legs up again, Greg’s encouragement had helped me find a little more energy, another wind - perhaps a 10th wind for the long day…

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"Plant the seed in your own mind. It's the most important thing you'll ever do"

"Plant the seed in your own mind. It's the most important thing you'll ever do"

Following my recent blog on 'Planting the seed' a wise man and friend - Bruce, kindly shared a link to Earl Nightingale's recording of The Strangest Secret. He recorded it in 1956.... nearly 60 years ago!

It goes for 40 minutes... with no visuals... just his voice and an old school mic. Well worth making the time to listen to. What a guy!

You'll find different messages that resonate with you. For me - these were some of the stand outs:

"We become what we think... Everyone is the sum total of our own thoughts... The things we got for nothing we can never replace... All you need to do is hold your goal before you, the rest will be taken care of... You reap what you sow..."

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Planting the seed...

Planting the seed...

I recently reflected on where my life had taken me in recent years and had the realisation that I often find myself thanking people for ‘planting the seed’ in many of my life adventures. So I thought I’d write a list of those ‘seed planting’ moments… WOW!

For the risk of ‘too much information’ I wanted to share my list - in the hope it might inspire you to think about doing the same… (writing a list that is ;)

So here goes...

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