"Plant the seed in your own mind. It's the most important thing you'll ever do"


Following my recent blog on 'Planting the seed' a wise man and friend - Bruce, kindly shared a link to Earl Nightingale's recording of The Strangest Secret. He recorded it in 1956.... nearly 60 years ago!

It goes for 40 minutes... with no visuals... just his voice and an old school mic. Well worth making the time to listen to. What a guy! 

You'll find different messages that resonate with you. For me - these were some of the stand outs:

"We become what we think... Everyone is the sum total of our own thoughts... The things we got for nothing we can never replace... All you need to do is hold your goal before you, the rest will be taken care of... You reap what you sow..."

But my favourite and hence the link back to my 'Planting the seed' blog:

"Plant the seed in your own mind. It's the most important thing you'll ever do"


Click here to listen

(Originally published - 4th August 2015)